An auto insurance policy is required to operate a motor vehicle throughout the United States. A comprehensive auto insurance plan can protect you by assessing your liability in an accident and fending off illegitimate claims.
Two types of auto insurance are mandated in the US: The no-fault system and the tort system. Used by most states, the no-fault system stipulates that your
insurance company will pay your injury claims in the event of an accident (up to a predetermined limit), no matter who caused it.
The tort system, by contrast, stipulates that those who are injured in auto accidents must seek out-of-pocket medical care, and then hold the insurance company of the driver responsible for reimbursement. Such individuals must be able to prove that the medical care was reasonable and necessary. Under this law, the party at fault cannot sue for reimbursement of medical expenses. This is why it is important for you to have the best car insurance around.
At Roberts Insurance Agency of Florida, we are a trusted and highly preferred Florida Independent Insurance Agent and insurance broker with many years of experience in the industry serving Florida and its residents.
We offer the best and most affordable Car Insurance policies in the Mount Dora, Eustis, Tavares and Lake County areas as well as the rest of Florida.
You can reach out to us to get started with a free car insurance quote now by calling us at 352-735-1410 or you can contact us if you have any questions regarding your existing car insurance. We are always happy to help.
We also consult on the following auto insurance policies: